MicroLife 5-1-3
Brown Patch

MicroLife (5-1-3) Brown Patch St. Augustine TurfGrass with potential Brown patch problems All Organic, Biological Fertilizer

Our same great MicroLife fertilizer with an aggressive “Anti Disease” microbe package. Use this product on St. Augustine turfgrass areas that are prone to Brown Patch problems. MicroLife 5-1-3 “Anti Disease” contains the aggressive beneficial microbes of Streptomyces, Trichoderma, Pseusomonas, Gliocaldium and an extensive variety of Bacillus.

The result? You get an incredible, inexpensive, easy to use fertilizer/Brown Patch treatment, all at the same time. The MicroLife fertilizer increases plant health, improves the soil and the“Anti Disease” inoculant package preemptively consumes pathogenic fungi such as Rhizoctonia (Brown Patch). Also highly effective against Pythium, Phytopthoria.

MicroLife 5-1-3“Anti Disease” will not soil destroy beneficial soil microbes like chemical fungicides and is completely non-toxic. Plus you get the wonderful nutritional impact from the fertilizer that only MicroLife can deliver.

Compacted soils, low oxygen, poor drainage, over irrigation, cool temperatures are the contributing cause of Brown Patch. Dramatically reduce the watering during Fall, Winter and Spring. Improve the soil when you can throughout the year by applying MicroLife, Humates and good grade Compost.

Application Rates

  • Turfgrass: 15-20 lb./1,000 sq. ft.
  • Beds: 20-40 Lb/1,000 sq. ft.
  • Agricultural: 800-1,000 lb./Acre
  • Containers: 2.5 oz. per 5 gal.
  • Premix: 30 Lb/cubic yard

  • Sizes Available:

  • 40 lb. • Ton