
Chinch bug damage first appears as slight yellowing of the St. Augustine like it is dry and generally starts from Flatwork, (Sidewalks / Driveways). Chinch bugs feed on the plant juices and dry the plant out. Generally, the pattern of yellowing will be circular in nature.
Synthetic Method
The best treatment is a preventative treatment of Bayer Complete or Triazicide granules in late May and again in July / August. After the granules are spread, be sure and water. Granular applications will not be effective during an Infestation. They must be Sprayed, every 7-10 days. Use Liquid Permithrin, Liquid Triazicide, Liquid Bayer Complete or Liquid Malathion. To control them, water the St. Augustine thoroughly in the late evening, then spray the entire lawn area with Triazicide or Malathion at the recommended rate on the container. A repeat treatment may be needed 10 – 14 days later because of new chinch bugs hatching.

The Bermuda varieties of Turf are susceptible to these, ** However this past year, we noted the Army worms on St. Augustine’s and Zoysia’s. The Army Worms usually will surface in July, August, and September & through November this past year.
Synthetic Method
Granular applications will not be effective during an Infestation. They must be Sprayed, every 7-10 days. Use Liquid Permithrin, Liquid Triazicide, Liquid Bayer Complete or Liquid Malathion. Fortunately this is the only problem Bermudas generally have with Pests.

GRUB WORMS; 1st Enemy to deal with
Grub damage is similar in appearance to Chinch bug damage except areas of brown grass will not have any roots; it will be spongy when walking on it. You can lift grass from the ground because it will not be attached to the soil because the Grub Worms eat the roots.
Organic Method
Cool Huh? No Chemicals “ECOSMART” may be applied; it is an organic insecticide that works. It needs to be applied every 2 months after planting until the Sod is totally rooted.
Synthetic Method
Preventative treatment is the best. We recommend Bayer Complete or Triazicide Granules, made by Spectracide; it can usually be found at your local garden shop or Home Depot / Lowe’s. Treat when planting Sod by applying the insecticide on top of the soil prior to planting to assure proper rooting. Treat again in late May and again in July / August with the granules. The insecticide must be watered in to kill the grubs while they are close to the surface of the soil feeding on the roots of the sod.

Sod Webworms became the biggest Pest problem we experienced in 2016. We attribute this to a mild winter and excessive rainfall; we expect a similar return this year of the Sod Webworms. They begin in late June / early July & continued until November last year. ALL THESE INSECTS GRAVITATE TO NEW SOD, AS IT IS NOT ROOTED IN AND/OR IS STRESSING. THE WORMS DO NOT COME IN THE SOD; WE SPRAY THEM DAILY AT OUR FARMS DURING THEIR INCUBATION AND THRIVING SEASON.
Synthetic Method
The best treatment is a preventative treatment of Bayer Complete or Triazicide granules in late May and again in July / August. After the granules are spread, be sure and water. Granular applications will not be effective during an Infestation! They must be Sprayed, every 7-10 days, as they will continue moving in after you have killed the 1st round. Use Liquid Permithrin, Liquid Triazicide, Liquid Bayer Complete or Liquid Malathion.