
Eco – Buffalo

Eco Buffalograss is native to the Great Plains. In Texas, Eco buffalograss is prevalent in the Texas Panhandle and South Texas, as these regions provide the best soil and climate. This grass also has historical importance as a food source for buffalo and for being used by settlers to construct housing.

Eco - Buffalo

Eco Buffalograss is native to the Great Plains. In Texas, Eco buffalograss is prevalent in the Texas Panhandle and South Texas, as these regions provide the best soil and climate. This grass also has historical importance as a food source for buffalo and for being used by settlers to construct housing.


Eco cannot be grown from seed but planted as one of the following options: sod, plugs, or springs. Our recommended method is by solid sodding, however plugs are ideal when solid sod is not feasible for the site. Sprig planting is not recommended unless done by seasoned landscapers . Do NOT water the site after planting; this grass must be watered as you plant it. Two weeks of watering heavily are required during the establishment period. However, very little watering and mowing is needed if a look is desired.


Recommended mowing height is 2 inches. Annual nitrogen rate is two to three pounds per 1000 square feet in split applications. The first application should be three weeks after greenup in the spring. The second application should be eight weeks after the initial application. In periods of drought soak with one inch of water to keep green.

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